管理番号 | 新品 :21338470 | 発売日 | 2024/04/10 | 定価 | 11,120円 | 型番 | 21338470 | ||
カテゴリ |
C(3台セット)Cisco Aironet 3700 Series AIR-CAP3702I-Q-K9、初期化済み、動作確認済み、取付金具付け
** Cisco AIR-CAP3702I-Q-K9 * SN: FJC2129M4TY** Login ID : Cisco* Password : Cisco*
IOS Bootloader - Starting system.flash is writableTide XL MB - 40MB of flashXmodem file system is available.flashfs[0]: 88 files, 9 directoriesflashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directoriesflashfs[0]: Total bytes: 41158656flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 22206976flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 18951680flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 24 seconds.Base Ethernet MAC address: 40:01:7a:f9:68:dcEthernet speed is 1000 Mb - FULL DuplexLoading "flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JF9/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JF9"...#########################
File "flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JF9/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JF9" uncompressed and installed, entry point: 0x2003000executing...
Secondary Bootloader - Starting system.Montserrat Board40MB formatTide XL MB - 40MB of flashXmodem file system is available.flashfs[0]: 88 files, 9 directoriesflashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directoriesflashfs[0]: Total bytes: 41158656flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 22206976flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 18951680flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 26 seconds.flashfs[1]: 0 files, 1 directoriesflashfs[1]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directoriesflashfs[1]: Total bytes: 12257280flashfs[1]: Bytes used: 1024flashfs[1]: Bytes available: 12256256flashfs[1]: flashfs fsck took 0 seconds.Base Ethernet MAC address: 40:01:7a:f9:68:dcUnable to locate IOS image with name **xx**.Boot CMD: "boot flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JF9/ap3g2-k9w8-xx.153-3.JF9"Loading "flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JF9/ap3g2-k9w8-xx.153-3.JF9"...#################################################File "flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.153-3.JF9/ap3g2-k9w8-xx.153-3.JF9" uncompressed and installed, entry point: 0x1003000executing...
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government issubject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - RestrictedRights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and ComputerSoftware clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco IOS Software, C3700 Software (AP3G2-K9W8-M), Version 15.3(3)JF9, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupportCopyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Sun 25-Nov-18 00:39 by prod_rel_team
Montserrat Board40MB formatTide XL MB - 40MB of flashInitializing flashfs...
flashfs[2]: 88 files, 9 directoriesflashfs[2]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directoriesflashfs[2]: Total bytes: 40900608flashfs[2]: Bytes used: 22206976flashfs[2]: Bytes available: 18693632flashfs[2]: flashfs fsck took 19 seconds.flashfs[2]: Initialization complete.flashfs[4]: 0 files, 1 directoriesflashfs[4]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directoriesflashfs[4]: Total bytes: 11999232flashfs[4]: Bytes used: 1024flashfs[4]: Bytes available: 11998208flashfs[4]: flashfs fsck took 0 seconds.flashfs[4]: Initialization complete.Copying radio files from flash: to ram:Copy in progress...CCCCCCopy in progress...CCCCopy in progress...CCCCCopy in progress...CCCCCopy in progress...CCCopy in progress...CCCopy in progress...CCCCCopy in progress...CCCopy in progress...CCCCCCCCCopy in progress...CCCCCopy in progress...CCCopy in progress...CUncompressing radio files......done Initializing flashfs.
Radio0 present 8764 8000 0 A8000000 A8010000 0Rate table has 650 entries (20 legacy/224 11n/406 11ac)
Radio1 present 8864 8000 0 80000000 80100000 4POWER TABLE FILENAME = ram:/Q5.bin
Radio2 not present 0 0 0 0 0 8This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to UnitedStates and local country laws governing import, export, transfer anduse. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not implythird-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible forcompliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product youagree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unableto comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:http://www.cisco.com/wwl/export/crypto/tool/stqrg.html
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email [email protected].
cisco AIR-CAP3702I-Q-K9 (PowerPC) processor (revision A0) with 376814K/134656K bytes of memory.Processor board ID FJC2129M4TYPowerPC CPU at 800Mhz, revision number 0x2151Last reset from power-onLWAPP image version Gigabit Ethernet interface2 802.11 Radios
32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.Base ethernet MAC Address: 40:01:7A:F9:68:DCPart Number : 73-15243-02PCB Serial Number : FOC21235KQ2Top Assembly Part Number : 068-05054-08Top Assembly Serial Number : FJC2129M4TYTop Revision Number : A0Product/Model Number : AIR-CAP3702I-Q-K9% Please define a domain-name first.
Press RETURN to get started!
*Mar 1 00:00:24.043: %SOAP_FIPS-2-SELF_TEST_IOS_SUCCESS: IOS crypto FIPS self test passed (15)*Mar 1 00:00:24.503: Registering HW DTLS
*Mar 1 00:00:27.679: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:00:30.183: %SOAP_FIPS-2-SELF_TEST_RAD_SUCCESS: RADIO crypto FIPS self test passed on interface Dot11Radio 0 (4)*Mar 1 00:00:30.295: loading Power Tables from ram:/Q2.bin. Class = Q*Mar 1 00:00:30.299: record size of 3ss: 1168 read_ptr: 5D7BCAE
*Mar 1 00:00:35.495: %SOAP_FIPS-2-SELF_TEST_RAD_SUCCESS: RADIO crypto FIPS self test passed on interface Dot11Radio 1 (4)*Mar 1 00:00:35.539: loading Power Tables from ram:/Q5.bin. Class = Q*Mar 1 00:00:35.575: record size of vht: 2904 read_ptr: 5D7BCAEAPAVC Registering AVC licences on the AP to make sure we enable advanced PP
*Mar 1 00:00:37.011: SCHED: Ethernet Bridge Process: install watched boolean System Initialized(5D63EE8), os:1 ah:0APAVC Protocol list already initialized.
*Mar 1 00:00:37.011: Start STILE ActivationAPAVC: Succeeded to activate all the STILE protocols.APAVC: Registering with CFT
*Mar 1 00:00:37.255: APAVC: CFT registration of delete callback succeededAPAVC: Reattaching Original Buffer pool for system use
*Mar 1 00:00:38.939: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed state to down*Mar 1 00:00:39.931: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio0 due to the reason code 39*Mar 1 00:00:39.931: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio1 due to the reason code 39*Mar 1 00:00:39.943: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --Cisco IOS Software, C3700 Software (AP3G2-K9W8-M), Version 15.3(3)JF9, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupportCopyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Sun 25-Nov-18 00:39 by prod_rel_team*Mar 1 00:00:39.943: %SNMP-5-COLDSTART: SNMP agent on host AP4001.7af9.68dc is undergoing a cold start*Mar 1 00:00:39.967: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio0 due to the reason code 10*Mar 1 00:00:39.967: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio1 due to the reason code 10*Mar 1 00:00:39.967: %CDP_PD-4-POWER_OK: Full power - HIGH_POWER inline power source*Mar 1 00:00:40.395: SCHED: Ethernet Bridge Process: remove watched boolean System Initialized(5D63EE8)*Mar 1 00:00:40.395: SCHED: Ethernet Bridge Process: install watched queue Soap BVI input queue(CCDFEA4), os:0 ah:0*Mar 1 00:00:41.819: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface BVI1, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:00:42.735: %CAPWAP-5-AP_EASYADMIN_INFO: AP Easy Admin information - EASY_ADMIN is not set, turn off easy admin service!
*Mar 1 00:00:42.735: %CAPWAP-5-AP_EASYADMIN_INFO: AP Easy Admin information - Easy Admin is not enabled, turn it off!
*Mar 1 00:00:42.743: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio0 due to the reason code 39*Mar 1 00:00:42.743: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio1 due to the reason code 39*Mar 1 00:00:42.771: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio0 due to the reason code 10*Mar 1 00:00:42.775: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:00:42.779: %DOT11-5-EXPECTED_RADIO_RESET: Restarting Radio interface Dot11Radio1 due to the reason code 10lwapp_crypto_init: MIC Present and Parsed Successfully
*Mar 1 00:00:42.943: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 2.0 has been enabled*Mar 1 00:00:42.943: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:00:43.775: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to down*Mar 1 00:00:43.943: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to down*Mar 1 00:00:48.495: %SOAP_FIPS-2-SELF_TEST_HW_SUCCESS: HW crypto FIPS self test passed (2-16)*Mar 1 00:00:48.495: DPAA Initialization Complete*Mar 1 00:00:48.495: %SYS-3-HARIKARI: Process DPAA INIT top-level routine exited*Mar 1 00:00:48.883: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:00:54.927: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface BVI1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname AP4001.7af9.68dc
*Mar 1 00:00:58.303: Currently running a Release Image
*Mar 1 00:00:58.327: Using SHA-2 signed certificate for image signing validation.%Default route without gateway, if not a point-to-point interface, may impact performance*Mar 1 00:01:10.587: AP image integrity check PASSED
*Mar 1 00:01:10.595: Non-recovery image. PNP Not required.
*Mar 1 00:01:10.603: Cert ISSUER (39): cn=Cisco Manufacturing CA SHA2,o=Cisco
*Mar 1 00:01:10.627: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to reset*Mar 1 00:01:11.735: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:01:11.743: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to reset*Mar 1 00:01:12.735: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:01:12.959: %LINK-6-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up*Mar 1 00:01:13.959: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up
User Access Verification
Username:%Error opening flash:/capwap-saved-config (No such file or directory)%Error opening flash:/capwap-saved-config-bak (No such file or directory)*Mar 1 00:01:20.639: %SYS-6-LOGGINGHOST_STARTSTOP: Logging to host port 0 CLI Request Triggered*Mar 1 00:01:21.639: %SYS-6-LOGGINGHOST_STARTSTOP: Logging to host port 514 started - CLI initiated%No matching route to deleteUsername:Translating "CISCO-CAPWAP-CONTROLLER"...domain server (
Username: ciscoPassword:
32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.Base ethernet MAC Address: 40:01:7A:F9:68:DCPart Number : 73-15243-02PCB Serial Number : FOC21235KQ2Top Assembly Part Number : 068-05054-08Top Assembly Serial Number : FJC2129M4TYTop Revision Number : A0Product/Model Number : AIR-CAP3702I-Q-K9
Configuration register is 0xF
AP4001.7af9.68dc#Not in Bound state.*Mar 1 00:02:27.279: %CAPWAP-3-DHCP_RENEW: Could not discover WLC. Either IP address is not assigned or assigned IP is wrong. Renewing DHCP IP.*Mar 1 00:02:30.479: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface BVI1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname AP4001.7af9.68dc
AP4001.7af9.68dc#showTranslating "CISCO-CAPWAP-CONTROLLER"...domain server (
% Type "show ?" for a list of subcommandsAP4001.7af9.68dc#show runAP4001.7af9.68dc#show running-configBuilding configuration...
Current configuration : 21614 bytes!! Last configuration change at 00:02:27 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993 by ciscoversion 15.3no service padservice timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecservice password-encryption!hostname AP4001.7af9.68dc!!logging rate-limit console 9enable secret 5 $1$KAtr$t.KoPhFJQkLvL5NwrCe0y.!aaa new-model!!aaa authentication login default local!!!!!aaa session-id commonno ip routingno ip cef!!!!!!!!!!
dot11 pause-time 100dot11 syslogdot11 flex native-vlan-lvl 0dot11 flex clear 0eap profile lwapp_eap_profile method fast!no ipv6 cef!crypto pki trustpoint cisco-m2-root-cert revocation-check none rsakeypair Cisco_IOS_M2_MIC_Keys!crypto pki trustpoint Cisco_IOS_M2_MIC_cert revocation-check none rsakeypair Cisco_IOS_M2_MIC_Keys!crypto pki trustpoint airespace-old-root-cert revocation-check none rsakeypair Cisco_IOS_MIC_Keys!crypto pki trustpoint airespace-device-root-cert revocation-check none rsakeypair Cisco_IOS_MIC_Keys!crypto pki trustpoint Cisco_IOS_MIC_cert revocation-check none rsakeypair Cisco_IOS_MIC_Keys!!username Cisco secret 5 $1$/h6F$tSHswitZrBuYOWUlmGC.g0!!lldp runbridge irb!!!interface Dot11Radio0 no ip route-cache antenna gain 0 stbc mbssid power local 4 power client local packet retries 64 drop-packet station-role root no cdp enable!
AP4001.7af9.68dc#■ 保証期間: ノークレームノーリターンでお願いします。■