Iittala Nappula flower pot with saucer

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新品未使用 正規代理店にて購入 イッタラ新作インテリア Iittala Nappula flower pot with saucer サイズ 130x170 mm 素材 Ceramics カラー White 個人保管ですのでご理解のほどよろしくお願い致します。 他サイトにも出品しておりますので、売り切れの際はご了承下さい。 海外製品ですので日本との検品規格が異なります。 細かいキズや箱つぶれもございます。 海外製品にご理解のある方でご購入をお願い致します。 イッタラ 鉢 植木鉢インテリア 北欧インテリア 観葉植物 植物 インテリアグリーン ハンギング ザラ ザラホーム アクタス イデー

Iittala NAPPULA Plant Pot in White, Brown, Dark Green and Beige Colors |  NØRDIK
Iittala NAPPULA Plant Pot in White, Brown, Dark Green and Beige Colors | NØRDIK

Iittala Nappula Plant pot with saucer beige 170x130
Iittala Nappula Plant pot with saucer beige 170x130

Iittala Nappula Plant pot with saucer white
Iittala Nappula Plant pot with saucer white

Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer, 240 x 130 mm, white | Finnish Design  Shop
Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer, 240 x 130 mm, white | Finnish Design Shop

Nappula Flowerpot 13 cm saucer - Iittala 1059790, Matti Klenell
Nappula Flowerpot 13 cm saucer - Iittala 1059790, Matti Klenell

Nappula Flowerpot 13 cm saucer - Iittala 1059790, Matti Klenell
Nappula Flowerpot 13 cm saucer - Iittala 1059790, Matti Klenell

Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer, 240 x 130 mm, beige | Finnish Design  Shop
Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer, 240 x 130 mm, beige | Finnish Design Shop

Iittala Nappula Plant Pot 260x155 White
Iittala Nappula Plant Pot 260x155 White

Nappula Ceramic Planter with Saucer, 6.75
Nappula Ceramic Planter with Saucer, 6.75" x 5" by Matti Klenell by Ii - Amusespot - Unique products by Iittala for Kitchen, Home Décor, Barware, Living, and Spa products - Award-winning, international

Amazon.com: Iittala Nappula Ceramic Plant Pot Large White 12.5
Amazon.com: Iittala Nappula Ceramic Plant Pot Large White 12.5"x 7.5"

Iittala NAPPULA Plant Pot in White, Brown, Dark Green and Beige Colors |  NØRDIK
Iittala NAPPULA Plant Pot in White, Brown, Dark Green and Beige Colors | NØRDIK

Amazon.com: Iittala Nappula Ceramic Plant Pot Large White 12.5
Amazon.com: Iittala Nappula Ceramic Plant Pot Large White 12.5"x 7.5"

Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer, 240 x 130 mm, white | Finnish Design  Shop
Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer, 240 x 130 mm, white | Finnish Design Shop

Iittala Nappula Plant Pot 260x155 Beige
Iittala Nappula Plant Pot 260x155 Beige

Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer 170 x 130 mm, beige | Finnish Design  Shop
Iittala Nappula plant pot with saucer 170 x 130 mm, beige | Finnish Design Shop

残り 5 10,800円

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お届け日: 02月03日〜指定可 (明日11:00のご注文まで)

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